Cloud Security

11/01/2024 Big Switch Off

Navigating The Big Switch Off – Best Practices

Navigating the 2025 Switch Off as a UK Business The evolution towards a fully digital communications network in the UK, known as The Big Switch Off, is well underway. Tech IP is here to guide your organization through this transformative journey, ensuring you not only meet the upcoming challenges but also capitalize on the opportunities […]

26/10/2023 IP address

IP and MAC Addresses: Foundations of Modern Communication

IP and MAC Addresses in Telecommunications In our interconnected world, the terms “IP-address” and “MAC address” play crucial roles in how devices communicate within networks. To gain a deeper understanding of these two concepts, let’s delve into what they are, where they are used, and why they matter. What is an IP-Address? An IP-address, or […]

02/08/2022 New Concept Security

New Concept Security Take on New Cloud Phone System

New Concept Security provides a variety of services in Blackpool, Preston, and the Northwest. Whether your requirement is manned guarding, CCTV monitoring, alarm monitoring, guard dog security, investigations, installations, or a variety of these, New Concept Security offers complete security solutions. Project New Concept Security got in touch with us through their IT support provider […]

09/06/2022 Horizon software being used on a desktop computer

Tech IP – Collaborate : On the Go

We can now bring you news on an exciting new release of our Cloud Phone system application, which will see the current soft-phone dialler updated to bring a significantly improved customer experience. The app could also be called either ‘Horizon’ or ‘Collaborate’ depending on which version you have. Introduction The ‘Collaborate’ app allows you to […]

26/04/2022 Password entry

Hints and Tips – Cloud Telephone Systems – Passwords

For System Administrators (passwords and passcodes) In this blog, we will be discussing the different passwords which you will need for your cloud telephone system, Including multiple separate passwords for administrators and users. These can get mixed up, but we want to help you understand the need for these passwords. For the usual security reasons, […]

26/02/2020 Cloud Telephony Cloud Security

Is Cloud Telephony Secure?

It’s understandable that you might be wondering how Cloud telephony can be safer than its landline counterparts. Since landlines have more physical equipment, they appear more secure than the cloud with their technology that’s difficult for the average Joe to understand. And with cyber-crime on the rise, it makes sense to be cautious. However, as […]

21/06/2019 Cloud Phone Security

Cloud Telephone Security….Is it as good as the old PBX?

There are many advantages to choosing a cloud-based telephone system in your business. Whether you are seeking a hosted VoIP system or a Unified Communications (UC) solution, Cloud telephony offer big advantages to today’s businesses. A key selling point of cloud communications is that businesses can access data from anywhere. It offers reduced costs, and […]

12/06/2018 Cloud Security

How Secure is Cloud Telephony?

There are many advantages to choosing a cloud-based telephone system in your business. Whether you are seeking a hosted VoIP system or a Unified Communications (UC) solution, Cloud telephony offer big advantages to today’s businesses. A key selling point of cloud communications is that businesses can access data from anywhere. It offers reduced costs, and […]

11/10/2016 Cloud-based telephone system

Move your business to the ‘Cloud’ and enjoy increased flexibility, availability and cost-effectiveness

Cloud technology is rapidly evolving and has begun to influence many aspects of the business world with businesses around the world embracing Cloud-Based services for their core business communications, including; phone, email, storage and much more. One of the major benefits of moving your business to the cloud is that it can provide you with […]

28/07/2016 cloud computing

Rubber stamp for EC Cloud Certification

Code of Practice: Cloud Computing For small and large companies alike, this is great news: a code of practice for cloud service providers has been laid down and approved by the European Commission. The European Commission have stated that they have “already addressed specific challenges of cloud computing meaning a faster and more harmonised adoption […]

09/03/2016 Cloud Security

Cloud Security Benefits

Cloud Security It was estimated that by the end of 2015 90% of UK businesses will be using at least one cloud service with many businesses adopting numerous applications. In short, the cloud is fast becoming the new ‘norm’ of the business world. A key selling point of cloud computing is that businesses can access […]

20/01/2016 Cybercrime

7 top tips to help protect your business against Cybercrime

Cybercrime …Gone are the days when the “bad guys” were the thugs walking around with a baseball bat checking for security guards before they busted a window and made off with one of your computers. While it’s true this type of crime may have put a dent in your profits and was a definite inconvenience, […]

Business Services

moving office

I am moving office

Moving office phone systems can be stressful, we can help with your office relocation.

Setting Up New Office

I am setting up a new office

Find the right location, design the workplace, negotiate a lease or decide on buy.

Review telephone services

Phone service review

Detailed cost service review of all your IT and telecoms costs and services.

Managed Voice and Data

Managed phones and internet connections

Specialised voice and data services for corporate customers throughout the UK.

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See our latest tweets from the Tech IP Twitter feed. Follow us on all our social media channels to stay up to date with the latest business telephone technologies. Watch our Youtube channel for informative videos on our cloud phone systems, Unify communication solutions, and more.

Our Partners

Below are some of the companies that are partners with Tech IP. Please click on the logo for more information on each of our partners.

Communication Products

Apple Mac - Internet Services

Internet Services

Secure, robust and reliable internet connectivity from a wide range of suppliers covering all types of connections.

cloud voip phone services

Cloud Phones

Cloud telephone solutions designed for your business cloud phone telephony is the future for high performance.

Network cabling

Network Cabling

We provide Cat5e, Cat6a and fibre network cabling systems including everything you need for a secure functional comms room.

Samsung Galaxy phone line up


We can review your mobile phone contracts, considering all networks to find the right deal for your business.

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

A complete range of advanced video conferencing from world-class manufacturers.

Business Phone Lines and Calls

Business Phone Lines & Calls

We can review your current business phone lines and call packages to find the right services to suit your business needs.