08 Numbers


UK Calling: Find out about 02 Access Charges including calls to 08, 09 and 118 numbers

02 Access Charges – Following on from our previous blogs regarding Ofcom’s new legislation introducing changes to the way calls to 0800, 0808, 084,087, 09, 116 and 118 numbers are billed. The changes are reported to have been designed to make it easier for everyone to understand how much calls to these numbers cost. As […]

03/06/2015 084 numbers

Communication notice to all Tech IP customers using 08 numbers

From the 1st July there are a few changes being applied to the way in which charges are made for calling and receiving calls on UK non-geographic 08 numbers.  These changes are being implemented by the telecoms regulator Ofcom and affect all UK businesses from the 1st July. Ofcom are making these changes after analysing […]

19/05/2015 0800 numbers

Freephone: Leading the way in customer service

As of June this year OFCOM rules come into effect which will make all 0800 numbers free to call from mobile phones as well as landlines. This will mark an end to warnings on adverts saying “calls may vary from other landlines and calls from mobiles may cost considerably more”. Ofcom have also declared that […]

29/09/2014 Ball of numbers on hand

Moving office and want to keep the same phone number?

Keeping your business phone number when your’e moving office is one of the most vital considerations for any business. Yet with traditional telephone lines it is not always possible to retain your current published telephone numbers, if you are moving out of the area. This can present a huge problem for your business as phone numbers […]

02/07/2014 telephone calling regulations

Important Telephone Calling Regulations Announcement for Business: “How to Stay Legal”

Due to the rise in the number of complaints made by people regarding nuisance telemarketing calls, the government have stepped up measures and brought in more resources by involving Trading Standards departments and telephone calling regulations across the country to police every business that carries out any kind of telemarketing as part of its organisation. […]


Would you like to improve response rates to your advertising by up to 184 percent?

As you all know 0800 numbers are free to call from any UK landline and because of this, in business they act as a great way to encourage sales enquiries and project the image of good customer service by allowing your customers to call you for free. It certainly gives the best possible image and […]


Freephone will lead the way in customer service

You may not be aware of this but a new OFCOM rule comes into effect in June 2015 which will make 0800 free to call from mobile phones as well as landlines, we think that many companies will choose to differentiate themselves by having a Freephone number for all incoming client calls on the back […]

15/12/2011 0800 numbers

Would your business benefit from 08 numbers?

Many businesses benefit from incoming 08xx numbers.  These non-geographic telephone numbers are commonly used today and include 0800, 0808, 0845, 0844, 0870 and 0871. With these numbers, you can track the volume of calls presented to your business easily at the end of every month when you receive your billing data. Using a different 0800 […]

Business Services

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I am moving office

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Network cabling

Network Cabling

We provide Cat5e, Cat6a and fibre network cabling systems including everything you need for a secure functional comms room.

Samsung Galaxy phone line up


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Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

A complete range of advanced video conferencing from world-class manufacturers.

Business Phone Lines and Calls

Business Phone Lines & Calls

We can review your current business phone lines and call packages to find the right services to suit your business needs.