Over the years, video conferencing has become a mainstay in many companies of all sizes, as well as government organisations, healthcare establishments and educational institutions. Gone are the days when you would only find video conferencing units in the boardroom or occasional conference rooms, now video conferencing solutions have extended to mobile devices and desktop computers, making face-to-face collaboration a reality for everyone be it a business executive or service engineer.
These days, good recruitment agents need to strive to stand out from the many online recruiters and self-service sites that exist nowadays. They need to demonstrate to clients they have the best people on the books which means they needs choose candidates astutely and have a wide recruiting base to pick the best candidates from.
Video conferencing is a technology that has been embraced by every industry but more recently recruitment businesses are introducing video conferencing into their business after realising the vast amount of benefits that video conferencing can bring to their business.
Video conferencing is an ideal technology for interviewing candidates, so offers tremendous benefits to recruitment specialist in terms of flexibility and opportunity. For instance, if you have a client you are recruiting for and you need to set up an interview between them and a candidate but the client is off site most days, now all they need is a Video Conferencing application on their lap top or mobile device and the interview can be set up via the recruitment agency for a nominated time.
This not only reduces costs associated with travel but also means you can book interviews with both clients and candidates to take place within hours, instead of weeks. It also means that interviews can be recorded for secondary analysis which can only benefit your organisation by proving that your agency is going to provide the best candidates for the job.
With a changing client base and the need to connect with different people, on different devices, in different locations, a recruitment agency needs to invest in a solution that can be accessed by the candidates – for a low cost or for free – and with businesses who will have stricter rules on security, network access and firewalls.
There are many solutions for recruitment agencies such as, Virtual Meeting Rooms in the cloud, desktop solutions and low cost meeting room systems. It all depends upon who you will be talking with, what devices they may be using and which systems provide the very best quality and return on investment.
If you would be interested in learning more about how this works and just how little it can cost nowadays please contact us on 0800 50 533 50 for a free demonstration which we can as you may have guessed offer to provide for you quickly and effectively using our in house video conferencing system.