Telephone systems that put you in control with improved admin software

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Nowadays you don’t have to wait around for the engineer to come out to reprogramme the office telephone system when you want to make any changes, with technology making our business lives so much more simpler, the new phone systems which are either off site cloud based telephone systems or on site VoIP hybrid systems put you in control with easy to use programming software.

This means you control the way your phone system works for you, enabling the changes to be made straight away and saving you money. No more paying expensive call outs when you can do the job yourself.

It is surprising just how many people don’t realise just how easy it is nowadays to manage your own internal telephone user set up, system speed dial directories and the way your incoming calls flow into your business.

A common benefit is to be able to make more phones ring with your incoming calls when you need them to either at busier periods or when you main answering positions are unmanned.

VoIP systems also provide businesses with detailed analytics on their employees’ calls, which provides greater insight into what they’re up to each day.
The functions allow you take advantage of any changes in order to improve productivity and drive additional business.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits that a new telephone system could offer to your business including improved administration and control, then please contact us on 0345 389 2310 for more information, or enquire here.

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