With Christmas just around the corner it’s time now that many businesses start to plan for when the office will close over the holiday period by introducing festive phone messages.
Office parties get underway and work starts to get put on the “to do after Christmas pile” out of the way. Because of this it’s sometimes easy to forget that although your customers are celebrating their own festive activities they may still need to get in touch with during this time.
That’s why it’s a good idea to have something in place that lets your customers know exactly what is happening with your business and when they can expect to speak to someone if needs be.
Using professionally recorded phone messages at Christmas not only allows you to pass on crucial information about your business, be it any holiday opening hour changes your planning or the out of hours services you may have available, but it also gives you the opportunity to thank your customers for their loyalty and support and to wish them a Happy New Year.
Customer service should always be your top priority and a simple message can speak volumes about your business.
If you would like to know more about the professionally recorded phone messages we offer then please do give us a call on 0345 389 2310 or complete a simply enquiry form here and we’ll get back to you.