Cloud telephone services – Find out why no two clouds are the same

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When considering Cloud telephone services, it’s true to say that no two clouds are the same.  Every cloud based solution is built using the same building blocks but it’s what we do with the end product that can be the determining factor in how successful it will be.

For example; some service providers will sacrifice quality of service for giving the lowest price point whilst others will be in high in service but customers might end up paying through the nose.

As a consumer you need to make the right decisions for your business ensuring that first of all you have a high quality solution for your telephone services and then once that is covered you can switch your focus to cost.

As Cloud based telephony is booming in the UK at the moment, the market is saturated with many new providers, some of whom don’t have any history in traditional business telephone solutions.  This can lead to problems because these providers have no knowledge in the market they are trying to buy into and therefore cannot provide businesses with all the relevant information they will need. They may be offering the lowest price, but the cheap service they deliver could end up costing you and your business more in the long run.

Here at Tech IP we will only ever recommend Cloud services which have passed our in-house trials and tick all of the boxes in terms of quality and functionality over and above price.

However, we still have a price point for these types of systems which is very competitive and unlike many companies out there today, we can help you consider all the other different types of options including, using your mobiles instead of a phone system and an on-site hybrid VoIP system, which could work better for you and your business.

If you are reviewing your telephone system technology at any point, then please contact us first for some free expert advice on 0800 50 533 50, alternatively you can download our telephone systems buyers guide as useful reference material.

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