It is vital to understand how much time you should allow when ordering a new phone system to be fitted in your office. Especially if your moving office or setting a up a new one. There is nothing worse than having to push back your move date at the last minute because your telephone lines or Internet service at the new site is not yet live.
It’s a common occurrence for expected installation dates to run past their normal recommended lead times for telephone lines, especially if any unforeseen snags appear, such as additional equipment is needed in the local exchange or more cabling is required if it’s a new site.
If you’re not moving office or setting up a new one, then it will also depend on what you have in place right now. However, a good guide line to supply and fit a new phone system is approximately 4 – 6 weeks.
For an office move, we would recommend considering your options for telephone lines and Internet connectivity at your new site at least 8 weeks before your planned move date. This way we can make all the relevant checks, explain options and costs, make decisions on which services to order and manage them in a timely way, whilst at the same time handling all required surveys well in advance and pushing back delivery dates to fit with your move dates. This is so much better than trying to chase services into your new site last minute to make sure you can still move.
We hope the above information is useful to you, if you would like assistance in understanding your best options then please contact us on 0800 505 3350, alternatively you can download our telephone system buyers guide as useful reference material or even run a quick quote to obtain a budget cost for a new telephone system in less than 60 seconds.