Fishergate shopping centre in Preston is realising cost savings, enjoying simplified billing and embracing new ways of working thanks to a telecoms system upgrade provided by local telecoms company Tech IP.
Since opening its doors way back in the 1980s, Fishergate Shopping Centre has become a major shopping attraction for many visitors from all over the UK. Situated next to the very busy train station in the city of Preston in Lancashire, the modern 3 level building is home to a number of high street shops and food establishments.
When Fishergate Shopping Centre were ready to upgrade their BT supplied BT Nortel System which was coming to the end of its rental plan and in need of upgrading, they didn’t have to look far too far to find a telecoms company to meet all of their business needs.
After speaking with their IT support company, Fishergate Shopping centre were put in touch with Tech IP a telecoms company based in Preston who came highly recommended as a local supplier capable of assisting them in managing the upgrade of the telephone system and their telecoms infrastructure moving forward.
Tech IP supplied and installed a new telephone system via a rental plan of which gave Fishergate Shopping Centre the option to own the system outright at the end of the term so it would last them longer and reduce costs longer term.
Tech IP also reviewed costs for the busy shopping centre, for fixed line telephone calls and identified savings, implementing these to reduce costs and help with improved management and simplified billing. They were also able to add business mobiles to the monthly billing for the lines and calls, again providing cost savings and simplification.
Keith Mitchell is the centre manager for Fishergate Shopping Centre and he had this to say about his experience of working with Tech IP:
“We were in need of a review of our telephone system which promoted our initial discussion with Tech IP. They had been recommended to us by our IT providers who were also a local company and who understood a lot about our business requirements. We have now been using Tech IP for over a year and have found their service to be most responsive and professional, pretty much what they said it would be. We would be happy to recommend them to any company looking to simplify the management of their telecoms and reduce costs in the process.