Your new VoIP Cloud system gives you everything you need to help your business make better and more cost effective use of its communications.
Connected to Tech Horizon’s single, easy-to-use web portal and feature rich interface, it gives your business complete control over how to integrate and manage all your fixed phones within a single, unified company-wide system.
Tech Horizon takes the burden away from your IT team. Local administrators manage and configure the system according to your organisation’s needs. Employees can then manage their calls easily and effectively, so maximising individual productivity.
In recent years the power of video conferencing technology has transformed the face of business meetings all over the world, with many businesses now choosing to conduct their business meetings via video link through the use of video conferencing technology.
Tech Horizon gives you a choice to create an ad-hoc conference by dialling in each user individually or using the Instant Conference Group Feature, you can regularly undertake a weekly sales conference call meeting by dialling your pre defined telephone number. The Tech Horizon system will auto dial your team and add them into the call, saving you time and using expensive third party conference calling service.
An easy-to-use, complete communications service for your organisation
A phone system with a range of great business features
Control and administration that takes the burden away from your IT team
Fixed and mobile integration
One supplier for all your telecoms
Click on the link below to watch our information video and discover how conference calls with Tech Horizon are not only easier to make; with no complicated technology to deal with but also cuts costs and saves time, making it a more convenient way to do business for everyone involved.