As you all know 0800 numbers are free to call from any UK landline and because of this, in business they act as a great way to encourage sales enquiries and project the image of good customer service by allowing your customers to call you for free.
It certainly gives the best possible image and can only be considered as a good reason to work with your organisation if you are making it free for your valued clients to contact you at all times
As of next year Ofcom the telecoms regulator are enforcing that mobile operators make all 0800 numbers free to call from all UK mobile phones. This means, calls to 0800 numbers will then be included in mobile phone inclusive minutes and because of this we are seeing a big upsurge in the use of 0800 and 0808 Freephone numbers.
Here is just a few of the benefits of 0800 numbers:
- More sales. They are proven by the Institute of Direct Marketing to improve response to advertising by up to 184%.
- Your customers will like it. 0800 numbers give the impression you care about customers. They are also a safe option for them to call as they know there will be no hidden charges.
- They are cheaper than you think. There is no set-up or connection charge, just a small monthly cost.
Businesses are acting quickly on this new information and buying up 0800 numbers so to make the most of these changes, be prepared in advance, it is best to get in now to get a choice of the better numbers available.
To find out more about 0800 numbers please contact us on 0800 50 533 50 or make an enquiry here. Alternatively you can visit our Call Routing and Phone Numbers page for more information about which telephone numbers are best for your business.