How can you save money whilst improving the phone system you have?

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Save money on your current phone system

When you are considering making improvements to your phone system, it’s a great time to evaluate your operating costs as well as the costs for any improvements, the below cost pointers are a good place to start in understanding how to make sure you save as much money as you can:-

1… Consider your one off installation and set-up charges for any new tech you are considering, savings can be made by securing lower costs based upon different contract terms.

2… Try to reduce the number of suppliers you use, if we are handling several services and systems for you, not only will you save money on the amount of time you will spend managing different suppliers, you will also save on each product or service by placing more business with fewer suppliers through obtaining a lower purchase price.  For example you could use the same provider for your telephone lines, calls and maintenance service as you do for the telephone system upgrade.

3… Evaluate any current operating costs you may have for services such as telephone lines, calls and Internet access, indeed we can offer for free to benchmark these against many alternative providers and in many cases produce operating cost savings in the region of 25% to 50% for you.

4… Try and void any ongoing costs for diverts on existing telephone numbers.

5… Consider new technologies and systems that can provide cost efficiency benefits such as access control for staff access to site, telephones that dial out from your PC, remote worker systems or voice messaging systems.

We hope the above information is useful to you, if you would like assistance in understanding your best options then please contact us on 0800 50 533 50 or simply complete an enquiry form by clicking here

Alternatively you can download our telephone systems buyers guide as useful reference material or even run a quick quote to obtain a budget cost for a new telephone system in less than 60 seconds.

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