How to get your desk phone working with your Salesforce Telephone Integration

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CRM Salesforce telephone Integration is fast becoming the de facto standard for many businesses when it comes to which business CRM application they are choosing to use. In fact, it’s the world’s leader now on the market and the No.1 application used with over 20% of the CRM market share today.

CRM Salesforce is used to generate more leads and improve customer service and is the ideal solution for many SMB’s. As it’s Cloud-based it means there are no expensive setup costs, no maintenance and is completely scalable.

If you are using Salesforce, wouldn’t it be useful if your desk phone worked with it and was also supported in “the cloud”?

We are using and supplying a managed Cloud VoIP telephone system which can provide this functionality now off the shelf with no need for any development or expensive deployment costs. In fact, it costs just £1.50 for the software required per month/ per user to add this functionality with our Tech Horizon VoIP phones on your desk.

CRM Salesforce manages your contact information so being able to integrate those contacts with your desk phone would mean that you could call your contacts directly from your computer, without having to dial.

For businesses who make a lot of outbound calls, you can increase the productivity in your business with less time wasted having to touch dial every number you want to call.

This additional CRM functionality provides a screen popping feature that gives you the ability to see who is calling and brings up the caller’s information from your database. This way you will be ready to respond appropriately when you take the call and add any additional notes. This not only shows your customer a great deal of professionalism but it also saves you time in not having to ask for personal information and then search for the customer in your database.

The benefits:

  • “Click to Call” contacts directly from Salesforce which then controls your desk phone and dials the number.
  • Presence indications in Salesforce to other users confirming if you are on your phone, in a meeting etc.
  • Matching incoming calls to records in salesforce when your phone starts to ring with pop ups on screen before you answer.
  • The ability for CRM Salesforce to record all your telephone call history within the activity history so you know exactly when you last spoke.In fact, it costs just £1.50 for the software required per month/ per user to add this functionality with our Tech VoIP Hosted phone system on your desk.

If you would like more information about this fantastic application, then please contact us on 0800 505 3350 or visit our Cloud system packages page where you can find out all about our products and prices and see which one would work best for your business.



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