Cloud Computing for your business
It would seem that with so many companies implementing the Cloud into their business, we should be seeing a significant investment in this sector over the next three years. With nearly 50 per cent of tech-savvy enterprises relying solely on Cloud computing for new business model launches, it appears more and more businesses are putting their heads in the “cloud”, with this said to be going up to around 55 per cent in the short to medium term.
For many business owners Cloud Computing is fast becoming the technology of choice as Cloud-based applications sweep all before them and deliver better managed and analysed data, crucial for today’s hi-tech global market.
Last year, SAP and Oxford Economics collated a review of 200 business and IT executives from all over the globe for an in-depth look at how companies were adopting the advantages of Cloud technology.
It seems for now the initial hype surrounding Cloud Computing has petered out as most businesses are now focusing more on seeing just what can be done with Cloud systems, in terms of launching new business models, while at the same time striving for bigger growth in revenues.
Cost has also played a big part in the decisions made by businesses to get on board with cloud computing as the cloud can mean you pay only for what you use in computing terms, so you can scale it up and down in terms of the number of visitors it can handle, making it a much greener option too.
Some of the key areas studied point to some interesting conclusions for the future. The experts conclude that:
- The big growth areas will be employee collaboration, improved supply chains and top-line growth.
- Key areas include product development, new business and entering new markets.
- Future innovations and research and development over the next three years and beyond will all be led by Cloud-based
- There will be big improvements in Cloud security, with the rapid evolution of new tools and systems.
- Cloud computing will have a transformative impact on companies and the way that they do business.
- Business areas such as supply chains, marketing and purchasing will be transformed forever.
To find out more about Cloud Computing and how it could work for you, please give us a call on 0800 505 3350 or send us an Enquiry Form and one of our team will be happy to help.
If Cloud technology is a must for your business then why not check out our Video Conferencing Cloud Rooms and make every meeting count.
Alternatively, visit our Hosted VoIP and Tech Horizon Hosted Telephony page and discover the benefits of integrating Cloud-based services into your business.