Access Control Systems from Tech IP

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Access Control Card

Access control systems help you to manage the flow of people entering your business premises. Furthermore, they give you an accurate account of the time your staff are arriving and leaving work.

The businesses of the modern era are vulnerable to several security threats. Consequently,theft, vandalism, violent crime and even terrorism are all real problems for businesses today. Therefore, irrespective of the fact that you are a healthcare provider, school, university or a business, you should be on a constant lookout to make your premises a bit more secure for its inhabitants.

Electronic Access Control systems combine a form of reader to identify people by their credentials. As a result, using Touchlock keypads, Proximity readers (Key Fob) or Cardlock (magstripe) readers, gives access by using a code or PIN with a keypad, or by swiping the key fob/card which has a built-in authentication mechanism.

From the control of a single internal door through to a fully computerised, multi-site network of access points. These simple devises log information with software that you can use to produce management reports that are always 100% accurate.

With Access Control you can guarantee the only people who enter your building are authorised to be there.  Placing it at the forefront of security solutions.

Benefits of installing Access Control

  • Integration with your other security systems to maximise protection
  • Reduced administration time through visitor management software
  • Track who comes and goes and what time they arrive and leave.
  • Central control of your security

Whether you are a small organisation or large commercial business, we can design the right, bespoke access control solution for you.

We hope the above information is useful to you, if you would like help understanding your best options then please contact us on 0345 389 2310.  You can also find out more information about Building SecurityAccess Control on our website.



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